Walking the Oxfordshire Countryside

Created by Helen 3 years ago

Dad, I have fond memories of our walks together across the fields from Wallingford to Brightwell. We stopped off each time to pop into see Grampy Sadler, to help in the garden if required, smelling the smoke of his pipe and for a regular gift of a tube of smarties. Then it was off,  past Uncle Alan's house and up the lane. We walked past the smelly goats and then the fields opened up. I saw my first grass snake with you as we walked past the thatched bungalows on the edge of Brightwell. We would then stop to say, 'Hello' to the ducks on the duck pond. At Nanny and Grampy Shave's we always had fresh, warm bread from the bakers. You'd let me sit on Grampy's bike and you pushed me around. I'd then sit inside with Nanny while you worked away in the garden.

You will be greatly missed.

Forever in my heart x
